Meet my dream wedding location. It's called the Cliffs at Glassy Chapel and it is BEAUTIFUL. I mean- just look at these pictures!!!!!!
It's in Landrum, SC, one hour south of Asheville, so get ready for a road trip, because it's totally going to be worth it.
Here's a question: when should hold this amazing ceremony? In a perfect world, we would have it in the fall, because the view of the autumn colors will be AMAZING!!!! However, let's be realistic. October lodging near Asheville is expensive and sometimes tricky to find!
So how about April? It's predates tourist season and if we're lucky, we'll have some dogwood and redbud trees to add some color to the scene.
Then there's June. I hear the wildflowers in Asheville are a sight to see, but it might be hot. I don't want to be a sweaty bride. Also, I might face more competition when it comes to primo wedding photographers ;)
I want all of your input, so PLEASE TAKE THE POLL. You can find it to the right of this post.